Vedic Astrology is a powerful tool for finding solution to our health problems. There is separate branch in astrology called
Medical astrology, which deals

native chart from health point of view. Indian Vedic astrology provides solution to simple physical problems to complex psychological problems of human beings through suitable Mani (Gems), Mantra (Prayer), and Aushadhi ( Aurvedic Medicines) . In ancient time Astrologers have
good knowledge of Aurvedic medicines. In ancient text of Garuda Purana , Kurma Purana and Vishnu Purana therapeutic use of Gems is mentioned. This paper examines the role of Vedic Astrology in identification of various diseases and discusses role of Mani ( Gems) In curing disease.
Medical Astrology is the branch of the Astrology that deals with Health and Longevity issues.
Infact, before the advent of modern medical science, in ancient times the physicians were advocated compulsory knowledge of astrology and it’s relevance to various diseases apart from administering the medicines on different lunar days and on different stellar days.
In the Vedas and many classics of Astrology and Ayurved ( Prasna Marga , Charak Samhita ) we can find descriptions of the methods of Vedic astrology as well as Ayurvedic healing.
Vaidyas are devoted to Atharva Veda, because Ayurveda is considered as the upaveda of atharva veda
as it has dealt with the subject of Medicine and healing by prescribing donation, propitiatory rites, offerings, auspicious rites,oblations, observance of rules, expiations, fasting, incantations, etc.., and medicine for promotion
of life.-( Charak Samhita sutra 30-slok 21)
—-The 3 Bodydoshas are : Vata, Pitta, and Kapha (sutra1
-slok 57)
—-Vata, Pitta andKapha are eternally present in the body of
living beings either as normal orabnormal.
The wise person should know them. (sutra 18 -slok 48)
Similarly PrasnaMarga describes;The tridoshas are ruledby the seven planets thus: (Ch.11 slok- 4)
The Sun — pitta;
Moon-vata and kapha;
Mars —pitta;
Mercury — vata, pitta and kapha;
Jupiter — kapha ; Venus — kapha and vata;
and Saturn — vata.
Slok 3)
Stanza 3. — The seven Dhatus, viz., asthi (bone), raktha (blood),
majja (muscle), twak (skin), vasa (flesh), sukla (seminal fluid) and
vasmasa (nervous material) are governed respectively by the Sun, the Moon, etc.
(Ch.11 slok- 3)
Both ayurveda and Vedic astrology have their roots in the same
Vedic tradition. This tradition forms a unit. The various methods rooted in
this tradition supplement each other and re- attuned to each other.
The panchamahabhootas-
air, fire, water, earth and space gives rise to three fundamental bio-energies
known as the tridoshas- vata, pitta and kapha.
As Ayurveda is based on the three constitutions, the three dosha’s, these three dosha’s are called vata, pitta and kapha. Vata corresponds to air, pitta to fire, and kapha to earth and water.
The astrological signs can then be divided as follows:
Vata : Gemini,
Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius. Virgo is placed here becaus
e it is ruled by
Mercury, which is an air planet in Vedic astrology. Capricorn is mentioned here
because it is ruled by the vata planet Saturn.
Pitta : Aries, Leo,
Sagittarius and Scorpio. Scorpio is pitta because the classic ruler of
Scorpio is the fire planet Mars.
Kapha : Taurus,
Cancer, and Pisces. These are the earth and water signs not assigned to vata and pitta.
Astrology can also play a role in establishing the constitution or dosh .
1. To define the constitution we use the ascendant and the lord of the ascendant
. If the ascendant is Aries (a pitta sign), and the lord of the ascendant (Mars) is in Scorpio (a pitta sign), it will point to a pitta constitution.
2.Planets in the first are also important, especially if they are close to the a scendant degree. Suppose someone has Saturn in the first, this is a strong indication for a vata constitution. If a person has Jupiter in the first then that person tends to gain weight and may have a kapha constitution.
3.We also need to know which planets are in the sixth house and where is the lord of the sixth houseplaced. If Mercury is in the sixth house and in Pisces, that points to either avata (Mercury is a vataplanet) and/or a kapha (Pisces is a kapha sign) constitution.
4. Another factor that plays a role in the analysis is the position of the Moon.
The Moon, because she gives shape to earthly matters, is an important influence on the human body. The questions we have to ask here are in which sign is the Moon placed and is the Moon in conjunction with other planets. The strongest planet in the horoscope is important. Often, this concerns a planet placed in its own sign or is exalted and placed in a house where it can develop its energy (forexample houses 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 or 11). If a certain planet in the horoscope is prominent, then that planet will color all the aspects of the life of the
person involved, including his constitution.
Every individual is constituted of the three doshas, but each and every individual inherit these doshas in different proportions resulting in different body constitution.
According to the concept of Ayurveda, there are seven body types:
* Mono Types –
(vata, pitta and kapha predominant)
* Dual Types –
(vata-pitta, pitta-kapha or kapha-vata)
* Equal Types –
(vata, pitta and kapha in equal proportions)
Most individuals are mixed types. So we can have a vata-kapha
type, a pitta-kapha type, etc.
Todetermine the prominent nature or Dosha through astrology, we should measure the
strength of planet, house and house lord. According to the rules of Astrology,
we should take into consideration the planet placed in house-sign, placement of
the house lord in house-sign. Thus, by knowing the strength and the nature of a
planet & sign, we can establish the type of the dosha causing the disease.
For example, if the sign in the 6th house is Aries and Jupiter is
in 6th house,